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See how EDR can recovery debts Simply and Fast

Do you have debts owing for under $20,001 and want fixed legal fees and no commission payable to recover your cash flow? Have you ever been in a position where most of the money recovered went to pay a debt collector’s commission plus legal fees if you had to go to court? It is not uncommon for small business to write off debts under $20,001 because it is not worth the time and effort and at times you will be out of pocket. Further, it is not uncommon for legal fees to quickly escalate making it uncommercial to pursue a debt via the Local Court of NSW.

EDR now offers fixed legal fees, no commission payable, legal debt recovery that is designed to give clients certainty. EDR offers certainty about solicitor's costs and the entire debt collection process. All filing fees, service fees, search fees and scale solicitor's fees are recoverable from the debtor when the debtor pays the amount claimed on the statement of claim (if the claim is not defended) or if you win at a contested defended hearing.

If you want to find out more, please contact Claudio Venegas on 0437777767 or (02) 8935 3898 at EDR for more information.


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© 2019 CAV Law Pty Ltd trading as Effective Debt Recovery, ABN 63 616 409 244
T: (02) 8935 3898 | sales@effectivedebtrecovery.com.au | NEXUS LAW GROUP, LEVEL 11, 66 CLARENCE STREET, SYDNEY NSW 2000
